Sunday, 15 March 2015

all that, to get your own independence and freedom, from all the people.

" .. disease, illness, comes to the unambitious people, relative to the individual brainpower, which has been given to individuality.. process of the life, can not stand, wasting of self potential and energy contained in the brain of entity. if the person is focusing to much , to the outside world, than inside mind world , human brain, by illness , is focusing our attention on our own body and the inner brain world. (doesn't matter to the brain if its done by pain or happiness). self control and focus on yourself, and on your own life and ambitions, is the only one and  legitimate destination of every human being. Every one is working for own indiwidual account and is paying own bills. thats what life is about and what we are dealing with ..."
-if your mind is burning.. you are the only one, and right,  fireman, that can really solve the problem

Friday, 13 March 2015

mentality levels of the brain

" .. people matched according to relationships and other groups, from similar, mentality level of the brain, both sides of the dialogue. let it say that ; the law of gravitation, omnipresent everywhere on the planet earth, makes that process happen. doesnt matter whats your origin, nationality, social status, wealth of material. "With" and "on" a given brain mentality level, man is born, to work for own mentality "grow up" or "backwardness" falling down. those people, whom, We call "soul mates", they are on similar level of brain mentality , similar to our own. we meet people, with enjoying of dialogue, just if they are from our level of brain mentality, or higher level than us (but not too far away from our understanding). relationships with lower level of brain mentality people , makes you feeling of sadness, and that something is wrong, whilst dialogue ... "

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

- Modern caveman -

".. That it's amazing, what is today modern and fashionable, and the way all humans are, in the far future it will be all called as "dark age" "cavemen-century". we today, are modern cavemen for the future times. .."

-in each level, of mentality "grow up", the man always feel and think  that is The GREAT ONE  , which is so funny  observation from  perspective of the future.
*"yellow mark part ", makes, your personal individuality

Sunday, 8 March 2015

run run .. not to far ..

" .. the money is a prehistoric tool for emotional blackmail, exploitation and domination of others. the  money was made and invited , in past times of slavery, and celebrates that roles, in the modern age, of modern slavery, in today times. it is not natural, to work for someone, Whose mentality is on lower level, than yourself person, however, money makes it possible, and even a common phenomenon every day .The money is a bargaining chip to force the games and plays, with more stupid people, in mentality way, than your self. where there is no money, as a stimulant, no one wants to have fun,  with more stupid person ...   -how we play together, and what we play as a humankind, indicates the mental level of the times.  when time of ubiquitous boredom  become,  in human fun and games reality , it is the onset of a new and better reality from a higher level. start. now ... "

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

- All About Women's -

" .. proper relationship have the right to existence, when both sides in natural way have an inner need to fight for each other for the welfare of the team and common growth. the woman for men gives opportunity to fight about her with indulge and care. the woman is the reason of ALL, and ANY, mens fights. if guy dont want fight for womens wellness that means , relationship after time coming to the end, if there is no reasons, in male, to fight about woman, there is no, true existence of relationship. the woman is always to the male, right inspiration or wrong, gives destruction or self expanding and mentally grow up. no needs of fight for woman = no rights to relationship with woman. the strongest and the biggest fighter for woman, keeps The woman close to self. The woman need feel and see that she is the reason of mens fights, thats makes her believe in relationship , without that feeling, she cant stay close, with focusing to the guy ... "

Monday, 2 March 2015

Own Selfish Grow Up

" .. Imagine, that all those things on that picture, are other humans, you are meeting on your life way, in time and space . You go, with Your individual way, and with individual ambitions , directions , dependence from Your selfish needs, to get your mentality grow up. You are focused, just to those people, You need them, for something, to learn more ,about You by them, You dont see the rest of them, because they are not coming from your life story. That's your private life way, you are picker of special, limited , finds during Your own way of life. You are collecting, all that just because, You need that for ,Your Own mentality EXpanding. Your mentality grow up , is coming just from Your Own Observations, Conclusions, and Your Own work for Your Own Account, no one else can do it instead of you. All other people do, it is just inspiration each others, its: affect you, just from Your own choice - When you are copying them, by your own actions ... "